Become a Rich Witch

Rich Witch is an entirely online, self-paced course to help you learn how to manifest abundance, identify and overcome limiting beliefs and step into your desired reality.

These are the exact practices and tools I use in my own life and business.

Mindset work

Learn the basics of mindset work, how to identify limiting beliefs and remove them.


Learn how to align yourself with the energy of abundance and prosperity.

Actionable items

Find rituals, journal prompts, a meditation and more within this course to put it all into practice.

This course is for you if...

You have been hearing about manifestation and abundance on social media but aren't sure where to begin.

You want to begin mindset work and journaling.

You aren't sure how to identify and overcome limiting beliefs.

You want to learn how to use principles such as the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction to align yourself with the energy of abundance.

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The Curriculum