A Beginner's Guide to Witchcraft

Begin your practice in 30 days

Are you witchcraft curious?

Do you want to dip your toes into the water of everything magickal to determine if this is right for you?

This online, self paced course will help you explore key concepts in a warm and approachable format.

Learn the foundational concepts of witchcraft and Paganism.

Create sacred space in your home.

Tune into the cycles of the Earth and the skies.

All in 30 days, with actionable steps for you every week.

Let's begin today.

This course is for you if...

...you have always been drawn to the idea of practicing witchcraft and magick

...you want to establish a routine and daily practice as a witch

...you want to dip your toes into the world of witchcraft and magick before entirely jumping in, to make sure it's the right fit for you

...or if you know this is right for you but you aren't sure how to begin your practice

This course is designed to lead you into Foundations of Witchcraft, which is the next step in your journey. When you are ready to explore further and continue your education, Foundations of Witchcraft is here for you.

Within this course you will find...

Commonly used terms as well as myths and misconceptions

Beginner friendly books and supplies

How to begin a spiritual journal and why this tool is so powerful

A simple intention setting ritual

Basics of creating sacred space and energetically cleansing it

Simple and approachable daily practices and small rituals

How to connect with the energy of the moon and why we do this

How to connect to the energy of the seasons and why we do this

...and so much more

Explore key concepts of witchcraft and magick

Connect with the cycles of the Earth and the sky

Establish the foundations of daily practice and ritual

A Beginner's Guide to Witchcraft: Begin Your Path in 30 Days

The Full Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1: Finding your "why" and setting intentions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2: Creating sacred space
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3: Establishing daily practices and rituals
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4: Connecting with the cycles around you
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Continued resources and education
Available in days
days after you enroll

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A Beginner's Guide To Witchcraft: Begin Your Practice In 30 Days can be purchased as a gift for a loved one!

Just check the box upon purchase to indicate that it's for someone else.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is this information formatted?
A: This course is online and fully self paced. It is designed to automatically unlock new content and new "homework" for you each week for a total of four weeks. Upon enrollment the first week will be available for you to begin immediately.

Q: How long do I have to go through the material?
A: You will have unlimited access and can reference the material at any point in time.

Q: Do I need to know any basics of witchcraft or magick to begin?
A: Nope, this course is made for a total beginner.

Q: Does completing this course mean I am committing to become a witch or practitioner?
A: Not at all. This course is meant to allow you to explore foundations and daily practices of witchcraft. There is no commitment to anything in enrolling.