Get all of your questions answered

Book your time with Alyse and ask all of your questions about Paganism, witchcraft, magick, tarot and everything in between. This fun "AMA" style virtual get together is informal, free flowing and great for getting all of your questions cleared up.

This is available to anyone. It isn't a requirement that you are a student of The Coven or Tarot Made Simple in order to book this service, so please feel free!

Once purchased, Alyse will reach out via email to schedule a time with you that is convenient for everyone. This 1:1 will take place via Zoom so please keep an eye on your inbox after placing your order.

Meet Alyse

Alyse has been a practicing Pagan and witch for 20 years and has been reading tarot professionally for 10+ years. In addition to that she has led groups and workshops on various topics within Paganism around New England. Alyse has also facilitated for two covens.

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.