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The Witch's Wheel of the Year
Intro to Alyse
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What is the Wheel of the Year?
The history of Yule
The origin of the Christmas tree
The Oak King and the Holly King
Symbols and Yule Correspondences
Yule journal prompts
A Yule ritual
A Yule recipe
Yule crafts
Yule prayers
A summary of the key points of Yule
The history of Imbolc
Symbols and Imbolc correspondences
Imbolc journal prompts
An Imbolc ritual
An Imbolc recipe
Imbolc crafts
Imbolc prayers
A summary of the key points of Imbolc
The history of Ostara
Who is Ä’ostre?
Symbols and Ostara correspondences
Ostara journal prompts
An Ostara ritual
An Ostara recipe
Ostara crafts
Ostara prayers
A summary of the key points of Ostara
The history of Beltane
The Maypole
Symbols and Beltane correspondences
Beltane journal prompts
A Beltane ritual
A Beltane recipe
Beltane crafts
Beltane prayers
A summary of the key points of Beltane
The history of Litha
Symbols and Litha correspondences
Litha journal prompts
A Litha ritual
A Litha recipe
Litha crafts
Litha prayers
A summary of the key points of Litha
The history of Lughnasadh
Who is Lugh?
Symbols and Lughnasadh correspondences
Lughnasadh journal prompts
A Lughnasadh ritual
A Lughnasadh recipe
Lughnasadh crafts
Lughnasadh prayers
A summary of the key points of Lughnasadh
The history of Mabon
Symbols and Mabon correspondences
Mabon journal prompts
A Mabon ritual
A Mabon recipe
Mabon crafts
Mabon prayers
A summary of the key points of Mabon
The history of Samhain
Symbols and Samhain correspondences
Samhain journal prompts
A Samhain ritual
A Samhain recipe
Samhain crafts
Samhain prayers
A summary of the key points of Samhain
Resources & Continued learning
A Beginner's Guide To Witchcraft: Begin Your Practice In 30 Days
Foundations of Witchcraft
Recommended Reading
Beginner witchy supplies
1:1 Support from Alyse
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What is the Wheel of the Year?
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