Candle Magick Made Simple

Master this ancient and powerful form of magick.

Candle magick incorporates all four elements (Earth, air, fire and water) making it a powerful form of magick and an incredible tool. These techniques can be applied to any ritual to enhance the energy and your results.

Discover how to channel the transformative energy of candles to manifest your desires and clear obstacles.

Unlock the secrets of candle magick to attract love, wealth and spiritual growth.

This download is for you if... are new to witchcraft or magick and are looking to master the basics of candle magick are interested in a beginner friendly guide that assumes no prior knowledge want to learn to use candles to manifest abundance, love, job opportunities and more

Inside you'll find the following...

The basics of candle magick

Selecting a candle shape that corresponds to your goals

Color correspondences and how to select a color

Carving the candle with symbols or sigils

Dressing the candle for ritual use

Using the candle in ritual

Observing the candle flame during ritual for messages

Observing the wax during or after ritual for messages

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to be a Pagan to use the information included in this download?
A: No, anyone can use this information and apply it to their spells, regardless of how they identify on their path.

Q: Why is candle magick so powerful?
A: Candle magick is so powerful because it uses principles of sympathetic magick to create change. This is based around the principle that "like energy" attracts "like energy". Candle magick is also powerful and effective because it incorporates all four classic elements.

Q: Will this information help me perform a spell?
A: Yes, this information can be applied to any ritual or spell to enhance the results.

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